
(coco) #1

75.In the figure below, A is a transmission electron micrograph, and B is
a freeze-fracture preparation of a specific cellular structure. Mutations in
the proteins that constitute the intramembranous particles labeled in the
freeze-fracture image below occur in humans. Which of the following
would one expect to occur in the presence of such mutations?

Epithelium 155

(Micrographs courtesy of Drs. David F. Albertini and Kiyoshi Hama.)

a. Faster conduction of nerve impulses
b. Increased peristalsis in the small intestine
c. Cardiac arrhythmias
d. More rapid mobilization of glycogen to glucose in response to low blood sugar levels
e. Decreased adherence of epithelial cells to the basement membrane

76.Which of the following is a function of the basement membrane?

a. Molecular filtering
b. Contractility
c. Excitability
d. Modification of secreted protein
e. Active ion transport

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