
(coco) #1

79.A 54-year-old woman presents to the oral surgeon on referral by her
general dentist. She complains of pain during eating or even thinking
about food. The pain lasts for about 2–3 hours after eating. Her dentist
observes a firm mass in the anterior right side of the floor of the mouth. Her
dentures were made by a denturist to save money and her general dentist
indicates they fit very poorly. A calcified density is identified in the trans-
verse CT film (see arrow below). The calcification blocks the submandibu-
lar duct leading to atrophy of the acini and ducts with reduced secretory
function. One would expect which of the following functional changes to
occur in association with the basal folds of the striated duct cells?

Epithelium 157

(Radiograph courtesy of Drs. Per-Lennart Westesson and Xiang Liu, University of Rochester,
Case #98 http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/smd/Rad/neurocases/Neurocase98.htm.))

a. Increased lipid transport
b. Increased absorption of carbohydrate
c. Decreased active transport
d. Decreased secretion of the primary saliva
e. Decreased lysosomal activity

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