
(coco) #1

101.A 55-year-old Caucasian man presented with generalized back pain.
His physical examination reveals slight right-sided muscular weakness and
a pulse of 78/min, regular; blood pressure 140/82 mm Hg. X-ray examina-
tion of the spine showed two wedged thoracic vertebrae, T7 and T8; no
osteolytic lesions are observed. Peripheral blood: Hb 11 g/dL, WBC 6.0 ×
109 /l (polymorphs 81%, lymphocytes 16%, monocytes 2%, eosinophils
1%), platelets 300 × 109 /1 (300 000/mm^3 ). The blood film was normal.
The bone marrow shows an increase in the cells shown in the accompany-
ing light micrograph. Other tests were all normal. The cells in the light
micrograph synthesize which of the following?

178 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

a. Collagen
b. Heparin and histamine
c. Histaminase
d. Ig A
e. Myeloperoxidase

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