
(coco) #1

268.The direction in which vestibular hair cell stereocilia are deflected is
important for which of the following reasons?

a. Differentiates between type I and type II hair cells
b. Determines whether cells are depolarized or hyperpolarized
c. Determines whether linear or angular acceleration is detected
d. Determines the direction of blood flow in the stria vascularis
e. Is determined by the frequency of the sound

269.Which of the following is directly involved in sound transduction?

a. Release of neurotransmitter onto the afferent endings of cranial nerve VIII
b. Shearing motion of the tympanic membrane against hair cell stereocilia
c. Movement of the tectorial membrane resulting in hair cell depolarization
d. Equalization of the pressure in the middle ear and nasopharynx by the
Eustachian tube
e. Vibration at the round window via the stapes

  1. Perilymph is located in which of the following structures?

a. Utricle
b. Saccule
c. Semicircular canals
d. Scala media
e. Scala tympani

Eye and Ear 399
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