
(coco) #1

308.A teenage baseball player was hit in the base of the skull by a loose
bat. He is hoarse and complains of difficulty swallowing. The cranial x-ray
indicates a basal skull fracture that passes through the jugular foramen.
The examining physician notes a large hematoma behind the ear on the
injured side. If the nerves passing through the jugular foramen were sev-
ered as a result of the cranial fracture, which of the following muscles
would remain functional?

a. Palatoglossus muscle
b. Sternomastoid muscle
c. Styloglossus muscle
d. Stylopharyngeus muscle
e. Trapezius muscle

309.Like all endocrine glands, the thyroid is highly vascular. The thyroid
gland normally receives its blood supply, in part, from branches off which
of the following?

a. Internal carotid artery
b. Lingual artery
c. Subclavian artery
d. Transverse cervical artery
e. Vertebral artery

310.Muscle relaxants are used routinely during anesthesia with resultant
closure of the vocal folds. Laryngeal intubation by the anesthesiologist is
necessary because which of the following muscle(s) is/are unable to keep
the glottis open?

a. Cricothyroid muscle
b. Lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
c. Posterior cricoarytenoid muscles
d. Thyroarytenoid muscle
e. Transverse arytenoid muscles

424 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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