
(coco) #1
Thorax 461

334.When you ask a patient to exhale forcibly and maximally, the volume
of expiration is constant, but the rate of flow is diminished compared to
normal, indicating airway constriction likely due to bronchospasm. The
smooth muscle of the bronchial airways is innervated by which of the fol-

a. Intercostal nerves
b. Phrenic nerves
c. Thoracic splanchnic nerves
d. Vagus nerve

335.When examining an AP chest film of a 57-year-old man with a sys-
tolic ejection-type cardiac murmur, you notice that the arch of the aorta
forms a typical aortic knob on the left of the mediastinal border, but also
appears as a bulge on the right upper mediastinal border, suggesting an
enlarged ascending aorta. In addition, the left ventricular heart border
appears prominent. There is noevidence of pulmonary hypertension in
your patient. Your order an echocardiogram because you suspect your
patient has which of the following?

a. Tetralogy of Fallot
b. Pulmonary valve stenosis
c. Atherosclerosis
d. Aortic valve stenosis
e. Defective tricuspid valve

336.Pain referred to the right side of the neck and extending laterally
from the right clavicle to the tip of the right shoulder is most likely to
involve which of the following?

a. Cervical cardiac accelerator nerves
b. Posterior vagal trunk
c. Right intercostal nerves
d. Right phrenic nerve
e. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve

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