
(coco) #1

358.When choosing vessels for bypass surgery for occluded coronary
arteries, sections of the internal thoracic artery have been preferred in
recent years over lower leg veins, since they seem to last longer. In coronary
bypass surgery, the transplanted blood vessel is placed in which of the fol-
lowing positions?

a. The proximal end of the artery is anastomosed to the pulmonary trunk
b. The distal end of the artery is anastomosed to the great cardiac vein
c. The proximal end is attached to the ascending aorta and the distal end is
attached distal to the occluded corinary artery
d. The distal end of the artery is anastomosed to the great cardiac vein and the
proximal end is attached distal to the occluded corinary artery

359.The first (S 1 , or “lub”) heart sound and the second (S 2 , or “dup”)
heart sound originate, respectively, from which of the following?

a. Closure of the pulmonary valve followed by closure of the aortic valve
b. Closure of the tricuspid valve followed by closure of the mitral valve
c. Closure of the atrioventricular valves followed by closure of the semilunar
d. Closure of the atrioventricular valves followed by opening of the semilunar
e. Opening of the atrioventricular valves followed by closure of the atrioventricu-
lar valves

360.Structure(s) that normally transit the diaphragm by way of the
esophageal hiatus include which of the following?

a. Azygos vein
b. Hemiazygos vein
c. Azygos and hemiazygos veins
d. Anterior and posterior vagal trunk
e. Thoracic duct

472 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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