367.When examining an axial/horizontal CT of the chest, remember that
the origin of the pulmonary trunk just cranial to the right ventricle starts
out where?
a. Anterior and to the left of the ascending aorta
b. Posterior and to the left of the ascending aorta
c. Anterior and to the right of the ascending aorta
d. Anterior and to the left of the aorta
368.You are looking at series of axial CTs of one of your patients. Which
of the following is the description of structures typically found at the same
level as the sternal angle in an axial CT?
a. Junction of the arch of the aorta with right brachiocephalic artery, left common
carotid and left subclavian artery
b. Junction of right and left pulmonary arteries with pulmonary trunk
c. Third rib, intervertebral disc T3/4, bifurcation of the trachea, hemiazygos vein
draining into superior vena cava
d. Second rib, intervertebral disc T 4/5, bifurcation of trachea, azygos veins join-
ing superior vena cava
e. Second rib, intervertebral disc T 4/5, bifurcation of right and left pulmonary
arteries, top of the arch of the aorta
476 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology