
(coco) #1

389.A man, the victim of a superficial knife wound to the lower abdomen
during a barroom brawl, subsequently develops a direct inguinal hernia.
Damage to which of the following nerves is most likely responsible for the
predisposing weakness of the abdominal wall?

a. Genitofemoral nerve
b. Ilioinguinal nerve
c. The subcostal nerve
d. Pelvic splanchnic nerves
e. The nerve of the tenth intercostal space (T10)

390.A multiparous mother brings in her second son, an 18-month-old active
toddler, because she has noticed blood (sometimes red, one time “currant
jelly”) in his stools. Although the toddler is trying new foods, she doesn’t think
the blood is associated with anything in his diet. Your physical exam, includ-
ing a digital rectal exam, is normal. You order an upper GI barium swallow
with small bowel follow through and radiological report describes a 2-inch-
long diverticulum, pointing toward the umbilicus, in the ileum, about 2 ft
from the ileocecal valve. You explain to the mother that the blood is most
likely from which of the following sources?

a. An appendix that must be removed
b. A Meckel’s (ileal) diverticulum
c. Active diverticulitis
d. Internal hemorrhoids
e. A duodenal ulcer

391.Which of the following gives rise to all structures of the kidney?

a. Somitic mesoderm
b. Intermediate mesoderm
c. Splanchnic lateral plate mesoderm
d. Somatic lateral plate mesoderm
e. Neural crest

Abdomen 501
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