397.A 24-year old man was a passenger in an automobile broadsided by
another vehicle. Although he was wearing a seat belt he felt “terrible,” and
had left sided abdominal, flank, and shoulder pain. During the ambulance
ride into the emergency room his blood pressure kept dropping, he
appeared pale, had a rapid heartbeat, with otherwise normal lung and
heart sounds. Intravenous saline was started en route. Which of the follow-
ing abdominal organs is most likely damaged?
a. Stomach
b. Duodenum
c. Pancreas
d. Left kidney
e. Spleen
398.Volvulus is most likely to occur within segments of the GI tract that
are intraperitoneal, notretroperitoneal. Which segments of the GI tract are
susceptible to volvulus, and to where does the referred pain of volvulus
tend to occur for that segment?
a. Duodenum; epigastric region
b. Jejunum; epigastric region
c. Ascending colon; umbilical region
d. Descending colon; umbilical region
e. Sigmoid colon; suprapubic region
399.You have a patient who has renal failure as a result of Alport’s syn-
drome. While he is currently on dialysis, he is hoping to receive a trans-
planted kidney. He asks you if they are going to remove one of his bad
kidneys and put the new transplanted kidney back in the same place. You
tell him which of the following?
a. The right kidney is always removed since it is more inferior and easier to
remove and the new kidney will go in its place
b. The left kidney will be removed because it is easier to move the descending
colon out of the way and the newly transplanted kidney will go in its place
c. He will keep both of his kidneys, and the newly transplanted kidney will be
placed on the left posterior wall just inferior to his left kidney since there is
more room because the left kidney is higher
d. The newly transplanted kidney will be placed in the iliac fossa in the greater pelvis,
attached to branched iliac vessels and the ureter connected directly to the bladder
Abdomen 505