
(coco) #1

406.Which of the following is the principal supply to the body and tail of
the pancreas?

a. Common hepatic artery
b. Inferior phrenic artery
c. Left gastric artery
d. Splenic artery
e. Superior mesenteric artery

407.A 42-year-old slightly overweight woman comes into your office
complaining of recent blood in her stool. She has no fever and feels well
otherwise. She generally has 1 or 2 bowel movements daily with no change
in frequency or consistency. You ask if she has any painful hemorrhoids
and she says she has noneandnopain upon defecation. Prior to examining
your patient what should be on your list of potential causes of blood in the

a. Diverticular disease and colorectal cancer
b. Diverticular disease and internal hemorrhoids
c. Diverticular disease, external hemorrhoids, and colorectal cancer
d. External hemorrhoids and fissures, and diverticular disease
e. Diverticular disease, internal hemorrhoids, and colorectal cancer

408.During the physical exam of a 52-year-old man you note internal
hemorrhoids. He complains of blood in his stool. Which of the following
arteries could be the source of his rectal bleeding?

a. Superior rectal artery off the inferior mesenteric artery
b. Middle rectal artery off the internal iliac artery
c. Inferior rectal artery off the internal pudendal artery
d. Both b and c
e. a, b, and c

510 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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