Pelvis 533
419.When one touches the upper medial thigh or scrotum of most young
males, the testicles are pulled upwards towards the external inguinal ring.
This is called the cremasteric reflex. The efferent limb of the cremasteric
reflex is provided by which of the following?
a. Femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve
b. Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve
c. Ilioinguinal nerve
d. Pudendal nerve
e. Temperature differential between core body temperature and scrotal temperature
420.A 36-year-old man complained to his primary care physician of occa-
sional dull, throbbing pain associated with the right testis and scrotum.
Examination indicated varicocele of the pampiniform plexus. The physi-
cian remarked that in all probability the patient had this condition since
adolescence and should notbe bothered by it. The patient was emphatic
that the condition had arisen within the last few months and sought a
second opinion from an urologist. The urologist ordered an abdominal
and pelvic CT. Factors that the urologist considered include which of
the following in regard to varicocele of the pampiniform plexus on the
right side?
a. It is very uncommon
b. It occurs about as often as that on the left side
c. It may be the result of testicular torsion
d. It may be associated with a long, redundant mesorchium