
(coco) #1

429.A 24-year-old woman seeking assistance for apparent infertility has
been unable to conceive despite repeated attempts in 5 years of marriage.
She reveals that her husband fathered a child in a prior marriage. Although
her menstrual periods are fairly regular, they are accompanied by extreme
lower back pain. The lower back pain during menstruation experienced by
this woman probably is referred from the pelvic region. The pathways that
convey this pain sensation to the central nervous system involve which of
the following?

a. Hypogastric nerve to L1–L2
b. Lumbosacral trunk to L4–L5
c. Pelvic splanchnic nerves to S2–S4
d. Pudendal nerve to S2–S4

430.The body of the uterus tends to wander within the pelvic cavity.
However the cervix of the uterus tends to remain fairly firmly in place most
of the time. Which of the following would be found immediately inferior to
the left cardinal (lateral cervical) ligament?

a. Ovarian neurovascular bundle
b. Uterine tube
c. Round ligament of the uterus
d. Ureter
e. Ovarian artery and vein

Pelvis 537
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