
(coco) #1

443.Which of the following contains the ovarian neurovascular bundle?

a. Broad ligament
b. Mesosalpinx
c. Mesovarium
d. Suspensory ligament of the ovary
e. Transverse cervical ligament

444.Following the birth of her third child a 38-year-old woman was
undergoing a hysterectomy because of pelvic pain associated with
endometriosis. Since she had an android pelvis, cesarean sections had been
performed with each delivery of her children. An open (surgical) hysterec-
tomy approach was performed in order to also remove any peritoneal
endometrium, in which the ovaries were to be spared. The OB specifically
identified and spared a right and left ureter during the clamping and
removal of the uterine arteries. After surgery, she developed left sided low
back pain. An intravenous pyelogram was ordered and showed normal
function of the right kidney and normal function of the upper portion of the
left kidney, but there was little kidney function in the inferior pole of the
lower portion of the left kidney and two ureters exiting from that kidney.
What likely happened during the hysterectomy?

a. Spontaneous kidney failure as a result of the pyelogram
b. Damage to one of the left duplicated ureters
c. Kidney failure as a result of the anesthetic given during surgery
d. Kidney stone development

445.Pap smears are the collection of cells from the uterine cervix to look
for cytological evidence of transformation to cancerous forms, most typi-
cally due to a viral infection. While most women do not report any dis-
comfort associated with the collection of cervical cells, a few women do. To
which of the following somatic areas does the uterine cervix refer pain to?

a. Epigastric region
b. Medial thigh and buttock
c. Inguinal and pubic regions, anterior labia majora, medial thigh
d. Lateral leg and perineum
e. Subcostal and umbilical regions

Pelvis 543
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