
(coco) #1



414.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, p 361.)The subpubic angle
between inferior pubic rami is significantly greater (about 85°) in the
female than in the male (about 60°) and this is perhaps the best identifying
feature of the female pelvis. The female pelvis is generally lighter than the
male pelvis. The male pelvis generally has more definitive muscle mark-
ings, which reflect the larger male musculature and generally heavier male
build. In the female the false or greater pelvis tends to be shallower
(answer b)with flared ilia. The female pelvic inlet tends to be more oval
(answer a),rather than the heart-shaped inlet of most male pelves. The
female pelvic outlet is generally larger (more suitable for child bearing)
than the male pelvis (answer c).

415.The answer is c.(Casals, pp 1476–1483.)If the brother has a child
with cystic fibrosis, then he must be a carrier of the cystic fibrosis gene,
meaning there is a 50% chance that the husband is a CF carrier. Congeni-
tal absence of the ejaculatory ducts is increased in carriers of CF. If the
ejaculatory ducts are absent, then there should be nosperm from the vas
deferens (normally 0.5 mL of the semen volume) and noproducts of the
seminal vesicles (normally 2.0 mL of the semen volume). The seminal
vesicle is responsible for fructose normally present in the ejaculate. Pro-
static secretions are normally slightly acidic. The normal physical of the
husband rules out hypospadias (answer b),bilateral cryptorchidism
(answer a),and hydrocele (answer d).The congenital absence of the
prostate gland is extremely rare (answer e).

416.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, pp 218–219.)In the female, the
gubernaculum becomes the round ligament of the uterus and the proper
ligament of the ovary. The gubernaculum, which runs from the gonadal
anlage to the sexually undifferentiated labioscrotal fold, guides the descent
of the testes into the scrotum in the male and the descent of the ovary into
the true pelvis in the female. In the female, the developing uterus grows
into the gubernacular tract and divides it into the proper ligament of the
ovary and the round ligament of the uterus. Thus, the proper ligament of


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