the ovary runs within the broad ligament from the medial pole of each
ovary to the uterus. It then continues within the broad ligament as the
round ligament of the uterus into the deep inguinal ring. It thereby gains
access to the canal of Nuck (the female homologue of the inguinal canal;
(answer a)to insert into the major labial folds. The suspensory ligament of
the ovary (answer e)contains the ovarian arteries and veins. Answers c
and dare thus incomplete.
417.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, pp 358–359, 361.)The pelvis is
most likely that of a 14-year-old male. Because the subpubic angle is about
60 °and the pelvic brim is heart shaped, you are looking at a male nota
female(answers b and d).The bones of the pelvis arise from three different
centers of ossification and generally fuse together between puberty and the
twenty-third year. Therefore, you know you are looking at a 14-year-old
male,nota 3-year-old (answer a; would have 3 separate pelvic bones) noran
80-year-old (answer e; pelvic bones would be fused).
418.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, pp 373, 375, 467.)The pubo-
coccygeus muscle is the most frequently torn muscle that results in female
incontinence. The puborectalis, pubococcygeus, and iliococcygeus com-
prise the levator ani, the main muscular component of the pelvic floor. The
pubococcygeus is the part of the levator ani most frequently damaged dur-
ing parturition. Because the pubococcygeus surrounds and supports the
neck of the bladder and the proximal urethra, urinary leakage is a common
result, particularly during increased abdominopelvic pressure, as occurs,
during coughing. Damage to the puborectalis (answer a)results in fecal
incontinence under similar situations. Both the obturator internus muscle
(answer b)and the piriformis (answer e)are parts of the lateral wall of
the pelvis and assist in lateral rotation of the thigh. Generally damage to
the superficial transverse perineal muscle (answer d)would be of little
419.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, pp 220–221, 225.)The efferent
portion of the cremasteric reflex is mediated by the genital branch of the
genitofemoral nerve, which innervates the cremasteric muscle (skeletal).
The femoral branch (answer a)supplies the afferent limb, and the genital
branch supplies the efferent limb. The ilioinguinal nerve (answer c)pro-
vides sensory innervation to the medial aspects of the thigh and the anterior
Pelvis Answers 547