bodies reduce blood from leaving, resulting in engorgement and penile or cli-
toral erection. Emission of seminal fluid, prostatic secretions, and sperm
from the vas deferens is due to contraction of smooth muscle under sympa-
thetic control [thus not (answer d)].
440.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, pp 359–360.)The sacrococ-
cygeal joint. The indicated line represents the sacroiliac joint. These struc-
tures are seen bilaterally between the alae of the sacrum and the ilia. The
body of the sacrum (answer a)is in the midline and normal. The sacroil-
iac ligaments might have been sprained by the trauma of the fall. The path-
way for spinal nerves (answer c)is through foramina of the sacrum, not
through long bony canals. Similarly, the pathway for the gluteal arteries
(answers d and e)is through the greater sciatic foramen between the ilium
and the sacrum.
441.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, pp 424, 469.)Peritoneal cavity.
The purpose of performing a hysterosalpingogram is to determine if the fal-
lopian tubes are open and thus potentially capable of transporting sperm
and eggs for conception. The dye is generally introduced via a catheter
placed through the cervix and injected into the uterus. In this case it seems
as if dye is spilling into the peritoneal cavity at ends of each fallopian tube.
The dye would pass the isthmus of the oviduct next to the body of the
uterus. Within the image (E)is the vagina, (D)is the isthmus of the cervix,
(B)is the body of the uterus, and A is the ampulla of the oviduct just prox-
imal to the infundibulum out of which dye is flowing as curling wisps.
442.The answer is a.(Moore and Dalley, p 424.)Ampulla of the oviduct.
Fertilization normally occurs in the ampulla of the oviduct within 24 hours
of the egg’s release from the ovary. The wall of the uterine cavity (answer b)
is the normal site of implantation about 4 days later. Fertilization normally
doesnotoccur either in the infundibulum (answer c)noristhmus of the
oviduct(answer d).Sperm must pass through cervical (answer e)mucous
to reach the uterus.
443.The answer is d.(Moore and Dalley, pp 428–429.)The mesosalpinx
(answer b),mesovarium(answer c),and suspensory ligament are all
continuous with the broad ligament (answer a),which is a reflection of
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