peritoneum over the female reproductive organs. The mesovarium attaches
the ovary to the broad ligament. The suspensory ligament of the ovary runs
from the pelvic brim to the lateral pole of the ovary. It contains the ovarian
artery, ovarian vein, ovarian lymphatics, and ovarian nerves (ovarian neu-
rovascular bundle). Volvulus of the ovary (usually associated with an ovar-
ian tumor) may constrict the neurovascular bundle with ovarian infarct
and pain referred to the inguinal and hypogastric regions. The base of the
broad ligament has the transverse cervical ligament (answer e).
444.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, p 387. Sadler, p 235.)Partial or
complete duplication of the ureters is a fairly common (1 in 125 births)
occurrence. While the OB carefully identified both a right and left ureter
and spared them during the clamping and removal of the uterine arteries
the duplicated ureter on the left side most likely was notnoticed and thus
damaged. The pain is most likely due to a collection of urine or an “uri-
noma.” Duplicated ureters are at greater risk since they are often smaller
than normal ureters. If the site of damage could be identified, then the
duplicated left ureters could be connected above the damage to the
undamaged ureter and may preserve full kidney function. While a pyelo-
gram(answer a)does require injection of an iodine based dye that can
cause some kidney damage, this should notcause damage specifically to
the inferior half of the left kidney. Renal failure following anesthesia
(answer c)is relatively rare. The development of the kidney stone (answer d)
within one of the left duplicated ureters would be unlikely, but if present
then the stone should be evident on the pyelogram images. Thus, “answer d”
is a good second choice answer.
556 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology