461.Fractures of the humerus in different regions have the potential to
damage different nerves. What muscle innervation may be compromised
by a fracture of the humerus at the “surgical neck”?
a. Subscapularis
b. Pectoralis major
c. Teres major
d. Deltoid
e. Suprascapularis
462.A 12-year-old boy was riding his bicycle across an intersection when
and elderly woman tried to pull out into the busy street just as the boy was
riding in front of her, hitting the boy. Fortunately the boy landed on the hood
of the car, but the bumper struck the boys legs just below the knee and cre-
ated a very large cut. The boy presents to the emergency room bleeding and
walking with a distinct left foot-drop. The boy has also lost most of his ability
to flex his left ankle or evert his left foot and he has lost sensation on the lat-
eral side of his leg distal to the cut. Plain films show that there are nobroken
bones and examination of the knee reveals that is appears intact. You call in a
plastic surgeon, to reanastomose which of the following?
a. Sciatic nerve
b. Tibial nerve
c. Common fibular (peroneal) nerve
d. Deep fibular nerve
e. Obturator nerve
564 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology