472.An 8-year-old boy returns to your pediatric clinic because he has a
“pain in his butt” and walks with a limp. He had just been at your office a
couple of days ago for a normal summer check up and an update on his
vaccinations. When you ask him how this happened the boy said that the
pain all started when your nurse gave him his booster shot in his left but-
tock. You have him demonstrate his walk and you notice that he drops his
right hip as he places all the weight on his left leg and swings his right leg
forward. You place him prone on the examination table and test the
strength of his ability to extend each thigh at the hip and flex his leg at the
knee. Both legs flex normally with equal strength, and he can extend his
thigh at the hip well, but you notice some falsity of his muscles just under
the iliac crest on the left side only. You tell the boy and his mother that the
booster shot he got a couple of days ago likely damaged which of the
a. Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh giving him his pain
b. Superior gluteal nerve partially paralyzing his gluteus medius muscle
c. Superior gluteal nerve partially paralyzing his gluteus maximus muscle
d. Inferior gluteal nerve partially paralyzing his gluteus medius muscle
e. Sciatic nerve partially paralyzing his hamstring muscles
570 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology