474.A workman accidentally lacerated his wrist as shown in the accom-
panying diagram. On exploration of the wound, a vessel and nerve are
found to have been severed, but nomuscle tendons were damaged. From
the indicated location of the laceration and loss of sensation, the involved
nerve is which of the following?
572 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology
a. Median nerve
b. Recurrent branch of the median nerve
c. Superficial branch of the radial nerve
d. Ulnar nerve
475.A 71-year-old grandmother fell half way down the basement stairs
while carrying a laundry basket after dinner. She didn’t lose consciousness,
but sat at the bottom of the stairs gathering her wits and the scattered laun-
dry. She didn’t think she had broken any bones as she could move all her
limbs. Her husband, who had heard the noise and came to check on her,
helped her stand up. It was then that she felt a slight pain in her left hip
when she placed weight on it. She limped about for the rest of the day. The
next morning her husband brought her into your family practice office
where you could clearly see that she walked with her pelvis tilted as if her
left leg was slightly shorter. She still had left hip pain. You order a plain film
of the left femur from hip to knee expecting to find which of the following?
a. Femoral neck fracture with compression
b. Femoral neck fracture with complete displacement
c. A spiral fracture of the femoral shaft
d. A transverse supracondylar fracture
e. An intercondylar fracture