478.Hip fractures, especially in the elderly, often do not heal adequately.
As a result broken femurs often lead to complete hip replacement with arti-
ficial parts. What type of femoral fracture in adults is most likely to result
in avascular necrosis of the femoral head?
a. Acetabular
b. Cervical
c. Intertrochanteric (between the trochanters)
d. Subtrochanteric
e. Midfemoral shaft
479.Paresthesia, hyperesthesia, or even painful sensation in the anterolat-
eral region of the thigh may occur in obese persons. It results from an
abdominal panniculus adiposus that bulges over the inguinal ligament and
compresses which of the following underlying nerves?
a. Femoral branch of the genitfemoral nerve
b. Femoral nerve
c. Iliohypogastric nerve
d. Ilioinguinal nerve
e. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
574 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology