
(coco) #1

485.A patient experienced a prolonged stay in one position during a
recent surgery and postoperative recovery that resulted in compression of
the common fibular (peroneal) nerve against the fibular head. Which of the
following motor deficits would be most likely to occur?

a. Loss of extension at the knee
b. Loss of plantar flexion
c. Loss of flexion at the knee
d. Loss of eversion
e. Loss of medial rotation of the tibia

486.A 34-year-old woman is brought into the emergency room following
her car accident in which she hit a patch of ice and slammed into the back of
a trash truck. She can’t walk because she has incredible pain in her left knee
and hip. She thinks her knee hit the left side of the dashboard as she twisted
under the seat belt as she was thrown forward. She reports severe pain as you
move her hip. You order a plain film of the leg up to the pelvis and it shows
nobroken bones but posterior displacement of the head of the femur out of
the acetabulum. You tell her the good news is that she has notbroken any
bones, but that she has dislocated her hip. She is sedated in order to forcefully
relocate her femoral head back into the acetabulum. Despite successful relo-
cation you are concerned that she has damaged which of the following nerves,
which may take several months to regain function?

a. Obturator
b. Pudendal
c. Sciatic
d. Femoral
e. Superior gluteal

487.The muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg are innervated
primarily by which of the following nerves?

a. Deep fibular
b. Lateral sural cutaneous
c. Saphenous
d. Superficial fibular
e. Sural

Extremities and Spine 579
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