488.A 19-year-old teenager was dancing in clogs in an ethnic street festival
when she inverted her left foot. She presents to your office the next day with a
swollen foot, but mainly complains about tenderness on the lateral aspect of
the foot along the plantar surface. You carefully palpate her foot and determine
that she has tenderness over the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone. What
muscle has avulsed from its insertion on to the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal?
a. Abductor digiti minimi
b. Fibularis (Peroneus) brevis
c. Fibularis (Peroneus) longus
d. Tibialis anterior
e. Tibialis posterior
489.The bone marked B in the lateral plain film of the right foot is which
of the following?
580 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology
a. Talus
b. Navicular
c. Calcaneus
d. Cuboid
e. Fifth metatarsal
(Image 7107, used with permission from the Radiological Anatomy web site, University of
Kansas, School of Medicine, http://classes.kumc.edu/som/radanatomy/.))