
(coco) #1

496.Which part of the vertebra would connect to the three other parts: the
body, the lamina and the transverse process?

a. Inferior articular facet (A in the image in question 495)
b. Superior articular facet (B in the image in question 495)
c. Lamina (C in the image in question 495)
d. Pedicle (D in the image in question 495)
e. Body (E in the image in question 495)

497.A 22-year-old man who belongs to a weekend football league was run-
ning with the ball when a defender tackled him mid-lower limb from the
side. After the tackle, he felt that his knee was hurt and went to the emer-
gency room. From the MRI of the knee shown on the next page, the lateral
meniscus is uniformly black; however, the medial meniscus has a tear (lucent
area within the meniscus). Which of the following is the reason why the
medial meniscus is more susceptible to damage than the lateral meniscus?

584 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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