468.The answer is b.(Moore and Dalley, pp 603–604, 606.)The way to
remember the relationship of the femoral nerve, artery and vein to the inguinal
ligament is to remember NAVEL from lateral to medial, for femoral Nerve,
outside the sheath (on top of the iliopsoas muscle), femoral Artery, femoral
Vein, then an “Empty space” (generally filled with lymph nodes) and then,
most medial the Lacunar ligament as the inguinal ligament attaches to the
pubic tubercle at the lateral aspect of the pubic symphysis. Generally, the
femoral artery (which is normally easily palpable because of its pulsation) is
about half way along the inguinal ligament, which is attached to the pubic
tubercle medially and the anterior superior iliac spine laterally. None of the
other answers are correct (answers a, c, d, and e).
469.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, p 738.)(ef; scaphoid) The
scaphoid(ef) is the most frequently fractured bone of the hand. Other labeled
structures are as follows: a, ulna; g, lunate; h, triquetrum; i, pisiform; m,
hamate;b, ulna styloid process; c, radius; d, radial styloid process; e,
scaphoid;f, tubercle of scaphoid; j, trapezium; k, trapezoid; l, capitate;
m,←hook of hamate; n, 1st metacarpal; o, 1st proximal phalange; p, 1st
distal phalanges; q, sesamoid bones; r, third proximal phalange; s, third mid-
dle phalange; and t, third distal phalange.
470.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, p 840.)The flexor retinaculum
(transverse carpal ligament) extends from the tubercle of the scaphoid and
trapezium to the pisiform bone (labeled i in the plane film of question
469), which sits anterior to the triquetrum and the hook of the hamate (←)
medially. The triquetrum (answer b)lies posterior to the pisiform bone.
Remember that the transverse carpal ligament traps the flexors of the dig-
its along with the medial nerve and thus creates the carpal tunnel. The
lunate(answer a),capitate(answer d),and trapezoid (answer e)are
boney elements of the carpal tunnel.
471.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, pp 795, 824.)The radial nerve
innervates extensors of the upper extremity. Damage to the radial nerve in the
radial groove is frequently caused by supporting the arm in an outstretched
position as may be encountered when an inebriated college student passes
out on her friend’s sofa. This is sometimes referred to as “Saturday night
palsy.” The median nerve (answer a)supplies the pronators (teres and quad-
ratus) and the flexors of the fingers, thumb, and wrist. The ulnar nerve
594 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology