α-fetoprotein test (AFP), 154, 163
Abdomen, 493–530
high-yield facts about, 53
Acetazolamide, 385
Acetylcholine (ACh) receptors, 249
Acoustic neuroma, 433, 457
Actin-binding proteins, 107, 117
Actin filaments, 107, 117
Addison’s disease, 355
ADP-ribosylation of GSof the GTP-binding
protein, 327, 339
Adrenal gland, 502, 522, 523
Adrenal medulla, 341, 350
Albers-Schönberg disease, 207
Albuterol, 101, 105
Alcohol consumption, 499, 520
Alkaline phosphatase, 195, 203,
207, 214
Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT), 172,
Alport’s syndrome, 505
Alzheimer disease, 134
Amniotic membrane, 80, 94
Ampulla of oviduct, 542, 555
Ampulla of vas deferens, 538, 552
Anatomy, high-yield facts about, 43–70
Androgens, 360, 366, 373, 377
Anemia, pernicious, 338
Anencephaly, 154, 163
aortic, 498, 512, 518, 528
of left middle cerebral artery,
409, 435
of left posterior cerebral artery,
429, 453
Angina pectoris, 471
Angular acceleration, 400, 406
Anterior interventricular artery, 471, 487
Anthrax vaccine, 279, 288
Antivimentin, 107, 116
Anus, 320, 334
Aorta, 171, 181
coarctation of, 485
pulmonary trunk and, 476, 490
Aortic aneurysm, 498, 512, 518, 528
Aortic arch, 464, 481
Aortic valve stenosis, 461, 470, 479, 485
Aponeurosis, 410, 437
Apoptosis of osteoclasts, 203, 214
Appendicitis, 495, 516
Arachnoid, 5, 247, 410, 437–442, 602–604
Arm, deep artery of, 596
Arthritis, 208
Ascending pathways, high-yield facts
about, 39
Astrocytes, 247
Ataxia, 230, 242
Atherosclerosis, 263
ATP, 217, 222
ATPase activity, 128, 134
Atrial septal defect (ASD), 463, 480
Atrioventricular valves, 472, 487
Atrium, 459, 467, 477, 483
Auditory tube, 432, 456
Autonomic nervous system, 316, 332
Axillary nodes, 460, 478
Axillary vessels, 460, 478
Axon regeneration, 232, 243
Azygos veins, 472, 488
Babinski sign, 241
Back, high-yield facts about, 45
Barium swallow study, 504
Barr bodies, 143, 151
Basal bodies, 159, 167
Basal folds, 157, 166
Basement membrane, 155, 164, 172, 371,
382, 392
Basophil, 268
Batten’s disease, 119
Beclaperin, 177
Bence-Jones protein, 199, 211
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