
(coco) #1

Ciliary dyskinesia, 159
Ciliary ganglion, 428, 452
Ciliation of oviductal lining cells, 359, 373
Cirrhosis, 104, 131, 136
Clathrin, 113, 123
Clavicle, broken, 566, 573, 593, 596
Clonal selection, 271, 280
Clotting, fractures and, 198, 209
Cocaine abuse, 204
COL3A1 gene, 173
Collagen, 175, 187, 204, 215
Collagen helices, 175, 187
Collagenous protein, 202, 213
Colles’ fracture, 209, 566, 593
Colon, 509, 526
Colonoscopy, 509
Colorectal cancer, 510, 527
Common fibular nerve, 564, 581, 592, 601
Common hepatic artery, 508, 525
Conceptus implantation, 74, 84
Congenital abnormalities
absence of ejaculatory ducts/
vas deferens, 531, 546
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis and, 496,
Meckel’s diverticulum and, 521
virilizing hyperplasia and, 351
Congestive heart failure cells, 290, 296
Connective tissue, 171–215
high-yield facts about, 19
specialized, 193–215
Corneal reflex, 409, 435
Coronary arteries, 251, 261,
467, 483
Coronary artery occlusion, 472, 487
Coronary sinus, 467, 483
Corpus albicans, 369
Corpus luteum, 381
Corticospinal pathways, high-yield facts
about, 41
Corticospinal tract, myelination of, 230,
Cortisol pathway, 343, 351
Cranial folding, 76, 89
Cranial ganglia, 235, 247

Cranial nerve IV, 427, 451
Cranial nerve IX, 429, 453
Cranial nerve VI, 422, 428, 447, 453
Cremasteric reflex, 533, 547
Cribriform plate, 415, 442
Cricoarytenoid muscles, 424, 450
Cristae ampullaris, 400, 406
Crypts, 334
Cushing’s syndrome, 345, 354
Cyclic AMP (cAMP), 298
Cystic duct, 494, 515
Cystic fibrosis (CF), 290, 296, 531, 546
Cystocele, 545, 558
Cytochalasins, 111, 120
Cytochrome C oxidase (COX) deficiency,
112, 121
Cytokines, 305, 309
Cytokinesis, 146
Cytoplasm, 99, 103, 107–125
high-yield facts about, 15
Cytoskeletal elements, 140

Deep artery of arm, 573, 596
Deep femoral artery, 578, 598
Deep fibular nerve, 579, 599
Deltoid, 564, 591
Dentinogenesis imperfecta, 338
Descending pathways, high-yield facts
about, 41
Desmosine, 172, 182
Desmosome, 154, 160, 163, 166, 168,169
Diabetes mellitus, 345, 354, 390, 394
Diabetic hyperglycemia, 395
Diabetic retinopathy, 398, 402
Diaphragm, 511, 528
DiGeorge anomaly, 212
Digestive system development, high-yield
facts about, 9
Disaccharidase activity, 328
Distal interphalangeal (DIP), 562, 590
Diverticular disease, 510, 527
Diverticuli, abscessed, 539, 553
Diverticulum, 521
DNA degradation, 144, 152

Index 609
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