
(coco) #1

of knee, 577, 598
of leg, 576, 597
of thigh, 575, 597
Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle, 562,
Flexor pollicis brevis, 571, 595
Fluoxetine hydrochloride (Prozac), 237,
Foramen ovale, 426, 430, 450, 454
Fractures, clotting and, 198, 209
Frontal sinus, 423, 448
Fructose, 535, 550

G2P2, 291, 297
Gallbladder, 494, 514, 516
enlarged, 496
inflammation of, 335
shoulder/neck pain and, 509, 525
Gallstones, 325, 337
Gastrointestinal tract, 313–340
high-yield facts about, 29
Genioglossus nerves, 457
Genitofemoral nerve, 533, 547
Germinal centers, 276, 285
Germ layer derivatives, high-yield facts
about, 2
Glands, 313–340
high-yield facts about, 29
Glaucoma, 398, 402
Glial scar, 236, 248
Glomerular basement membrane, 392
Glottis, 424, 450
Glucocorticoids, 341, 350
Gluteal nerve, 570, 595
Gluteus medius muscle, 570, 595
Glycation, 390, 394
Glycogen, 317, 333
Glycoprotein, 98
Glycosaminoglycan hydration, 194, 206
Goblet cells, 313, 329
Golgi apparatus, 117
Granulosa layers, 371, 382
Graves’ disease, 351

Great cardiac vein, 471, 487
Greater splanchnic nerves, 493, 514
Great vessel transposition, 471, 486
Greenstick fracture of clavicle, 573, 596
Gubernaculum, 532, 546

H+, K+-ATPase, 313, 329
Hamster sperm penetration assay, 72, 82
Hamstring muscles, 578
Hand grasp strength, 562, 590
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 357
hCG, 369
HCO^3 −, 321, 334
Head, 409–458
development, high-yield facts about, 6
high-yield facts about, 61–70
region formation, high-yield facts
about, 4
Hematochezia, 510, 527
Hematopoiesis, 79
Hematopoietic system development, high-
yield facts about, 9
Hemiazygos veins, 472, 488
Hemidesmosomes, 160, 168, 306, 310
Hemolytic jaundice, 324, 335
Hemorrhoids, 510, 527
Hemothorax, 466, 482
Hepatic artery, 508, 525
Hepatic flexure, 509, 526
Hepatocytes, 131, 136
Hepatomegaly, 513, 529
Hepatorenal recess, 500, 520
Hernias, inguinal, 512, 529
Herniated intervertebral disk, 586, 603
Herring bodies, 345, 353
Hesselbach’s triangle, 502, 523
Heterologous autoantibodies, 197, 208
Hexosaminidase production, 114, 123
Hiatal hernia, 504
Hiatuses, 511, 528
High-yield facts, 1–70
Hirschsprung’s disease, 315, 331, 496
Histology, high-yield facts about, 15–37
Hoarseness, 416, 443

Index 611
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