
(coco) #1

Holocrine, 301
Humeral head, 563, 591
Humerus, 573, 596
Hutchinson-Gilford progerial syndrome
(HGPS), 144, 151
Hydrocele, 494, 515, 534, 549
Hydrolysis of PIP 2 , 130, 135
Hydrophobic layer of cell membrane,
Hydroxylation of proline and lysine,
173, 182
Hydroxylysine, 173, 183
Hydroxyproline, 173, 183
Hyperglycemia, 395
Hyperplasia, 351
Hypersensitive cardiac reflex, 410
Hyperthyroidism, 351
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, congenital,
Hypogastric nerve to L1–L2, 537, 551
Hypoglossal hemiplegia, 421, 447
Hypoglossal nerve, 421, 434, 447
Hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal system,
348, 356
Hysterectomy, 539, 543, 553

Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
(ITP), 255, 265
IgE, 178, 190, 276, 284
IgG, 294, 299
IgM, 294
Ileum, 493, 514
Iliac artery, 540, 553
Iliac crest, 253, 262
Iliac nodes, 536, 550
Iliohypogastric nerve (L1), 495, 515
Ilioinguinal nerve, 501, 521
Immotile cilia syndrome, 166
Immune defense mechanisms, 323
Immunoglobulin switching, 276, 285
Inclusion (I)-cell disease, 132, 136
Infectious mononucleosis, 506, 525
Inferior artery, 551
Inferior epigastric artery, 498, 519

Inferior orbital fissure, 410, 437
Infratemporal fossa, 410, 437
Infundibular stalk, 425, 450
Inguinal canal, 503, 523
Inguinal hernia, 501, 502, 512, 521, 529
Inguinal ligament, 567, 594
Inguinal nodes, 536, 550
Inguinal triangle, 502, 523
Inner nuclear layer of retina, 398, 403
Integrins, 181
Integumentary system, 301–311
high-yield facts about, 28
Intercostal neurovascular bundle, 466, 482
Interleukin 1 (IL-1), 199, 211
Interleukin secretion, 277, 285
Intermediate filaments, 108, 117
Intermediate mesoderm, 501, 522
Internal carotid artery, 431, 455
Interventricular artery, 471, 475, 487,
Intervertebral disk, 587, 604
Intervertebral disk herniation, 559, 586,
Intracellular trafficking, 127–137
high-yield facts about, 18
Intraepithelial lymphocytes, 335
Intramembranous ossification, 193, 205
Intraorgan blood flow, 254, 264
Iron deficiency, 257, 266
Ischial spines, 538, 552
Islet of Langerhans, 319, 333
Isodesmosine, 172, 182

Jaw elevator, 427, 451
Junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB),
156, 164

Kartagener’s syndrome, 166
Keratin, 313, 329
Kidney, 501, 522
Kidney stones, 548
Kidney transplantation, 505, 524
Kinesin, 220, 227, 231, 243

612 Index

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