Klinefelter’s syndrome, 151
Knee flexion, 577, 598
Kyphosis, 581, 600
Lactase deficiency, 340
Laminin, 175, 188
Laminin-integrin interactions,
204, 215
Lamins, 141, 148
LASIK surgery, 397, 401
Late endosomes, 114, 125
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve,
574, 597
Lateral pterygoid, 416, 443
Lateral spinothalamic tract, 413, 440
LDCs disease, 197, 208
Left circumflex artery, 467, 483
Left renal vein, 502, 523
Leg flexion, 576, 597
Leprosy, 246
Leptin, 191
Leukocytosis, 174, 186
Levator ani/pelvic diaphragm, 535, 550
Limb formation, high-yield facts about, 4
Lingual frenulum, 457
Long ciliary nerve (CN V^1 ), 409, 435
Long thoracic nerve, 460, 478
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), 127, 133
Lower extremity, high-yield facts about, 46
Lumbar puncture, 587, 603
Lumbosacral spine, 583
Lunate bone, 566, 593
functional units of, 289, 296
miscarriage and, 466, 483
Luteinizing hormone (LH), 73, 82
Lymphatic channels, 460, 478
Lymphocyte circulation, 278, 286
Lymphocytes, 269
Lymphoid system, 271–288
high-yield facts about, 25
Lysosomal enzymes, 132, 137
Lysosomal storage diseases, 123
Lysosomes, 114, 125
Macromolecules, 145, 152
Macrophages, 278, 287, 290, 296
Macula adherens, 161, 169, 305, 309
Male reproductive system, high-yield facts
about, 34
Male urethra, 363, 375
Mallory bodies, 313, 329
Marfan’s syndrome, 181
Marginal artery, 513, 529
Mast cells, 292, 297
Mastocytosis, 188
Maternal antibodies, 372, 383
Maxillary process to fuse with medial nasal
process, 413, 440
Maxillary sinusitis, 430, 454
McBurney’s point, 495, 516
Meckel’s diverticulum, 501, 521
Medial meniscus, 584, 602
Medial pterygoid muscle, 427, 451
Median nerve, 561, 563, 589
Megakaryocyte, 269
Membrane fluidity, 100, 104
Membranes, 97–106
Membranous fascia, 534, 549
Memory B cells, 277, 279, 286, 288
Memory T cells, 277, 279, 286, 288
Meningomyelocele, 423, 449
Meniscus, 584, 602
Menstrual cycle, 368, 379
Merkel cells, 302, 307
Mesenteric lymph nodes, 513, 529
Mesoderm, 501, 522
Metacarpophalangeal (MP), 562, 590
Metalloproteinases, 180, 192
Microaneurysm, 398, 402
Microfilament bundles, 154
Microtubules, 113, 122
Microvillous inclusion disease (MID), 162
Midbrain, 418, 444
Middle cardiac vein, 475, 490
Middle cerebral artery, 418, 445
Middle-ear infections, 427
Middle rectal artery, 500, 520
Milk synthesis, 367, 378
Index 613