Psoriasis, 309
Pterygoid muscle, 451
Pubococcygeus muscle, 532, 547
Pudendal nerve, 545, 558
Pulmonary trunk, 474, 476, 489
Pump-handle movement, 460, 478
Pyloric antrum, 499
Pyramidal pathways, high-yield facts
about, 41
Radial nerve, 561, 569, 573, 589, 594, 596
Radial nerve palsy, 562
Radial spokes, 159, 167
Rectal artery, 500, 520
Rectal cancer, 536, 550
Rectum, 320, 334
mucosal necrosis of, 500
pelvic splanchnic nerves and, 509
Red blood cells (RBCs), 100, 104
Red muscle fibers, 218, 224
Reepithelialization, 364, 376
Referred pain, 322, 335
Refraction of light by cornea, 397, 401
Reissner’s membrane, 406
Renal erythropoietin production, 257, 266
Renal glomerulus, 389
Renal medulla, 390, 396
Renal vein, 502, 523
Reproductive systems, 359–383
development, high-yield facts about, 11
high-yield facts about, 34
Respiratory bronchiolar unit, 289, 296
Respiratory system, 289–300
formation, high-yield facts about, 10
high-yield facts about, 27
Retina, inner nuclear layer of, 398, 403
Retinal detachment, 397, 401
Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), 397,
401, 402
Retinitis pigmentosa, 122
Retinopathy, 398, 402
Rhythmicity of endocrine organs, 343, 350
Rib, cracked, 489
Ribosomal protein transcription, 139, 146
Ribosome, 107, 116
Right atrium, 459, 467, 477, 483
Right coronary artery, 467, 483
Rigor mortis, 217, 222
Rotator cuff muscle, 559, 588
Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), 125
Sacral hiatus, 538, 553, 582, 602
Sacrococcygeal joint, 541, 555
Salivary secretion, 316, 332
Saphenous nerve, 581, 601
Sarcomere, 217, 221
Sarcoplasmic reticulum, 218, 223
Satellite cells, 217, 221
Scala tympani, 399, 405
SCALP mnemonic device, 437
Scaphoid bone, 594
Scapula, 559
Schwann cells, 232, 243
Sciatic nerve, 579, 599
Scleral venous sinus, 434, 458
Scurvy, 187
Secretory phase of the menstrual cycle, 379
Semen coagulation, 365, 376
Semicircular canals, 400, 406
Semilunar valves, 472, 487
Seminal vesicles, 376, 535, 538, 550, 552
Septum secundum, 475, 489
Sesamoid bone, 571
Severe combined immunodeficiency
(SCID), 284
Shingles, 243
Short stature homeobox gene (SHOX),
195, 206
Sigmoid colon, 505, 509, 524
Sigmoid colon flexure, 526
Signal recognition particle (SRP), 127, 133
Sinoatrial artery, 467, 483
Sinuses, 411, 438
Sinusitis, 423, 430, 448, 454
Sjögren’s syndrome, 332
Skeletal muscle, 218, 223
Sliding hiatal hernia, 504, 524
Somatic lateral plate mesoderm, 559, 588
616 Index