Sound transduction, 399, 405
Specialized connective tissues, high-yield
facts about, 19
Sperm, phagocytosis and, 366
Spermatogenesis, 73, 83
Spermatozoa, 535, 550
Spermatozoon fertilization, 72, 82
Sperm penetration assay, 72, 82
Spinal cord, 603
Spinal tap, 587, 603
Spine, 559–604
Spinothalamic tract, 413, 440
Spleen, 505, 506, 524, 525
Splenic artery, 507, 510, 525, 526
Splenic flexure, 509
Splenomegaly, 506, 525
Spondylolisthesis, 583, 602
Stereocilia, 399
Sternal angle, 476, 491
Stimulatory G protein (GS), 129,
Straight sinus, 411, 438
Stratum granulosum, 308
Styloglossus muscle, 424, 449
Stylohyoid muscle, 422, 448
Subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke, 421,
Subclavian artery, 424, 449
Subclavian vein, 566, 593
Subdural hematoma, 412, 439
Submental lymph nodes, 410, 436
Submucosal region, 536, 550
Subpubic angle, 531, 532, 546, 547
Subscapularis muscle, 588
Subscapular nerves, 559, 588
Subventricular zone, 229, 240
Superficial membranous fascia,
534, 549
Superficial perineal space, 497, 518
Superior ophthalmic vein, 411, 439
Supinator muscle, 565, 592
Suprapubic region, 505, 524
Suspensory ligament of ovary,
543, 556
Sympathectomy, 500, 521
Syncytiotrophoblast, 77, 89
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 147
T3 levels, 349, 358
Tacrolimus (FK506), 271, 280
Taste, loss of, 414, 441
Taste cells, 330
Tay-Sachs disease, 123
T cells, 272, 273, 281, 282
absence of, 275, 284
cytotoxic, 273, 281
Telencephalon, 78, 91
Teratogens, 90
Testicles, 544, 557
Testis development, 366, 377
Testosterone, 366, 377
Tetany, 200, 212
Tetralogy of Fallot, 473, 488
Thecal layers, 371, 382
Thigh flexion, 575, 597
Thin loops of Henle, 390, 396
Thoracocentesis, 480
Thoracic nerves, 460, 478
Thorax, 459–491
high-yield facts about, 49
Thymus, 76, 88, 273, 281
blood-barrier and, 253, 262
Thyroid gland, 352, 424, 449
Tic douloureux, 413, 441
T lymphocytes, 271, 280
Tongue piercings, 331
Tonsils, 414, 441
Trabecular meshwork, 434, 458
Transmission electron micrograph, 201,
212, 220, 226
Treacher Collins-Franceschetti syndrome 1
(TCOF), 139, 146
Trigeminal neuralgia, 413, 441
Triple A syndrome, 145, 152
Tropocollagen, 173, 183
Troponin, 219, 226
TSH levels, 349, 357
TSH receptors, 344, 352
Tubular fluid volume, 389, 393
Index 617