
(coco) #1

  • An apical pulseis palpable at the point of maximal impulse (PMI) in the
    fifth intercostal space just beneath the nipple.

  • Ventricular coronary flowoccurs during ventricular diastole when a
    pressure differential occurs between the left ventricle and the aorta.

50 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

Coronary sulcus Between atria and Right side contains the right
ventricles; nearly coronary artery, and small
vertical behind sternum; cardiac vein; crossed by
marks the annulus anterior cardiac veins
fibrosus that supports
the valves
Left side contains circumflex
branch of the left coronary
artery and coronary sinus
Anterior Between left and right Contains the anterior
interventricular ventricles; marks the interventricular branch of
sulcus interventricular septum the left coronary artery and
the great cardiac vein
Posterior Delineates the Contains the posterior
interventricular interventricular interventricular branch of
sulcus septum, posteriorly the right coronary artery
and the middle cardiac vein

Landmark Location Contents

  • The papillary musclestake up the slack in the chordae tendineae to
    maintain the competence of the valvular closure as ventricular volume is
    reduced during blood ejection. The valves close passively.
    •A ventricular septal defectproduces a serious right-to-left shuntwith
    cyanosis-“blue-baby” syndrome-because left ventricular pressure
    exceeds that in the right ventricle. A large VSD is the principal factor in
    tetralogy of Fallot.

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