
(coco) #1

64 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

Optic (SSA) Bipolar cells Vision
Oculomotor (GVE) Ciliary Pupillary constriction,
Trigeminal (GSA) Semilunar (trigeminal) General sensation from the
face, nasal and oral cavities,
including afferent
limbs of blink, sneeze,
and jaw-jerk reflexes
Facial (GSA) Geniculate General sensation from
external ear
(SVA) Geniculate Taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue
(GVE) Pterygopalatine Secretomotor for lacrimal,
nasal, and palatine glands
(GVE) Submandibular Secretomotor for sublingual
and submandibular glands
Vestibulocochlear (SSA) Vestibular and Spiral Balance, audition
Glossopharyngeal (GSA) Jugular (superior) General sensation from
external auditory meatus
(GVA) Petrosal (inferior) Visceral sensation from
posterior 1/3 of tongue
and pharynx; afferent limb
of gag and carotid reflexes
(SVA) Petrosal (inferior) Taste from posterior 1/3 of
(GVE) Otic Secretomotor for parotid gland
Vagus (GSA) Jugular (superior) General sensation from
external auditory meatus
(GVA) Petrosal (inferior) Visceral sensation from larynx;
afferent limb of cough
and aortic body reflexes
(SVA) Nodose (inferior) Taste from epiglottis
(GVE) Distal ganglia Visceral smooth muscle
and gland control

Nerve (Classification) Ganglion Function

GSA: general somatic afferent; GVA: general visceral afferent; GVE: general visceral efferent; SSA: special
somatic afferent; SVA: special visceral afferent.

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