Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

(^280) Edward Hirsch

  1. Stevens, The Necessary Angel(London: Faber and Faber, 1951), 142.

  2. Stevens, Opus Posthumous,158.

  3. Stevens, The Palm at the End of the Mind,ed. Holly Stevens (New York: Random,
    Vintage, 1971), 71.

  4. Ibid., 46.

  5. Ibid., 164.

  6. Crane, Complete Poems,220–21.

  7. Ibid., 25.

  8. Crane, The Letters of Hart Crane 1916–1932,ed. Brom Weber (Berkeley:
    University of California Press, 1965), 71.

  9. Crane, Complete Poems,234–40.

  10. Blackmur, “New Thresholds, New Anatomies,” in Form and Value in Modern Poetry
    (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1957), 269–86; Allen Tate, “Hart Crane” and “Crane: The
    Poet as Hero,” in Collected Essays(Denver: Allan Swallow, 1959), 225–37, 528–32; Yvor
    Winters, “The Significance of The Bridge by Hart Crane, or What Are We to Think of
    Professor X?” in In Defense of Reason(Denver: Denver University Press, 1943), 575–603.

  11. Crane, Letters,90.

  12. Ibid., 114–15.

  13. Crane, Complete Poems,30.

  14. Crane, Letters,89.

  15. Crane, Complete Poems,41.

  16. Crane, Letters,274, 305, 124, 129, 308.

  17. R.W.B. Lewis, The Poetry of Hart Crane(Princeton: Princeton University Press,
    1967), 219–45.

  18. Elinor Wylie: Nets to Catch the Wind(1921), Black Armour(1923), Trivial Breath
    (1928), Angels and Earthly Creatures(1929). Sara Teasdale: Flame and Shadow(1920), Dance
    of the Moon(1926). Edna St. Vincent Millay: A Few Figs from Thistles(1920), Second April
    (1921), The Harp-Weaver(1923), The Buck in the Snow(1928). Leonie Adams: Those Not
    Elect(1925), High Falcon(1929). Louise Bogan: Body of This Death(1923), Dark Summer

  19. Alicia Suskin Ostriker, Stealing the Language: The Emergence of Women’s Poetry in
    America(Boston: Beacon, 1981) 44.

  20. Marianne Moore, Predilections(New York: Viking, 1955), 130.

  21. Quoted in Moore, Predilections,130.

  22. Stevens, The Palm at the End of the Mind,190.

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