(^342) Katherine Kearns
no. 2 (Winter 1984): 365–85, on the identifiable sameness—the “Frostness”—of his poetic
and his interpretive voices; Holland sees this continuity as Frost’s identity, which is
characterized by a system of inclusive dualism.
- Lillian S. Robinson and Lise Vogel, “Modernism and History,” New Literary
History3, no. 1 (Autumn 1971): 177. - Ibid., 191.
- Thompson, The Early Years,435. See too Robert Kern, “Frost and Modernism,”
in On Frost: The Best from American Literature,ed. Edwin H. Cady and Louis J. Budd
(Durham, N.C.: Duke Univ. Press, 1990): 191–206. - Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition,78.