Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

486 Index

274–75, 288, 291, 300,
344–45, 348, 351–56, 359–61,
404, 411–12, 461
Whitman’s influence on, 22–25
Ellison, Ralph, 401–2
Invisible Man, 464
“Emblems of Conduct” (Crane, H.),
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 22, 29, 432,
“Bacchus,” 1
The Conduct of Life, 1, 5
“Experience,” 1
“Fate,” 1–2
“Illusions,” 5
influences of, 29, 200, 215, 223,
influence on Frost, 1–6, 173–74,
185, 192
influence on Moore, 20
influence on Pound, 16, 18
influence on Robinson, 1–4
influence on Stevens, 7–9
irony, 5
“Ode Inscribed to
W.H. Channing,” 168
“The Poet,” 3, 100
“Power,” 2, 4
self-reliance, 3
“Terminus,” 7
“Emperor of Ice Cream, The”
(Stevens), 272
Empson, William, 442
Seven Types of Ambiguity, 258
“Encantadas, The” (Melville), 305
Endgame(Beckett), 464
“England” (Moore), 432–33, 450,
Enormous Room, The (Cummings),
“Enough: Jamestown 1607–1957”
(Moore), 456

“Envy” (H.D.), 367
“Episode of Hands” (Crane, H.),
282, 296
“Epitaph” (H.D), 370
“E.P. Ode Pour L’Election de son
Sepulchre” (Pound), 57, 66–67
“Eros” (H.D.), 367
“Eros Turannos” (Robinson), 1–2
Essays of Four Decades(Tate), 286
European Romanticism, 10
“Eurydice” (H.D.), 380
“Experience” (Emerson), 1
“Exposed Nest, The” (Frost), 312
“Eyeglasses, The” (Williams), 99

Fall of Hyperion, The (Keats), 13
Family Reunion (Eliot), 463
“Farewell without a Guitar”
(Stevens), 243
Far Field, The (Roethke), 464
Far Lake (Frost), 185
“Fate” (Emerson), 1–2
Faulkner, William
death, 464
The Sound and the Fury, 462
“Fear of Man, The” (Frost), 318,
Fifty Miles from Boston (Eliot), 411
“Figlia che Piange, La” (Eliot),
“Figure in the Doorway, The”
(Frost), 180, 182–83
Figure of Echo(Hollander), 301–2
Fine Clothes to the Jew (Hughes), 462
Finnegan’s Wake (Joyce), 55, 463
“Fire and Ice” (Frost), 270
“First Caprice in North
Cambridge” (Eliot),411
First Poems(Merrill), 463
“Fish, The” (Moore), 42
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 257, 264
The Great Gatsby, 461
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