Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 487

Tender Is the Night, 253
Flaubert, Gustave, 55, 60, 62, 66, 68
Bouvard et Pécuchet, 56
Madame Bovary, 58
Fletcher, Angus, 186
“Flight” (Hughes)
form of, 400, 403, 416
realism in, 398–400
“Flood, The” 314
Flowering of the Rod, The (H.D.),
387, 463
“For a Dead Lady” (Robinson), 1
Ford, Ford Madox, 62
“For Once, Then, Something”
(Frost), 181–82, 319, 336
Forster, E.M.
on Eliot, 343
For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen
(Crane, H.), 71–73, 352, 356
For the Time Being (Auden), 463
Four Quartets (Eliot), 25, 55, 344,
“Four Quartz Crystal Clocks”
(Moore), 37
Fragonard, Jean-Honore, 91
Frankenheimer, John
The Manchurian Candidate, 464
Franklin, Benjamin
Poor Richard’s Almanac, 61
Frank, Waldo, 275
Our America, 264, 282
“Freedom of the Moon, The”
(Frost), 270–71
Freud, Sigmund, 22, 24, 147, 153,
and H.D., 371–73, 375, 377, 380,
382, 385
The Interpretation of Dreams, 460
“Frogs Eat Butterflies” (Stevens),
“From the Misery of Don Joost”
(Stevens), 241

“From Poe to Valéry” (Eliot), 411
Frost, Robert Lee, 8, 216, 269, 428,
430, 433
“Acceptance,” 325
“Acquainted with the Night,”
175, 179, 270
“After Apple-Picking,” 4, 317
“The Aim Was Song,” 317
“Bereft,” 179, 318–19, 321, 339
“Birches,” 193
birth, 459
“The Bonfire,” 320–21, 329, 334
“The Boy of Winander,” 188
A Boy’s Will, 4, 191, 327, 333,
336, 460
“A Brook in the City,” 332
“A Cabin in the Clearing,” 5
“The Census-Taker,” 179
“A Cliff Dwelling,” 190
“The Cocoon,” 179–80
“The Constant Symbol,” 185
death, 5, 464
“The Demiurge’s Laugh,” 4
“Desert Places,” 169, 173–75,
181, 184
“Design,” 5, 181
“Directive,” 3–4, 6, 175
“Dust of Snow,” 270
Emerson’s influence on, 1–6,
173–74, 185, 192
“The Exposed Nest,” 312
“The Fear of Man,” 318, 325
“The Figure in the Doorway,”
180, 182–83
“Fire and Ice,” 270
“The Flood,” 314
“For Once, Then, Something,”
181–82, 319, 336
“The Freedom of the Moon,”
A Further Range, 181, 462
“The Generations of Men,” 337
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