496 Index
“Picking and Choosing,” 49
“The Plumet Basilisk,” 43
Poe’s influence on, 19
Poems, 267, 461
“Poetry,” 49, 265
Pulitzer prize, 463
radiant sensitivity, 35–52
Selected Poems, 35, 38, 42–46, 49,
“Smooth Gnarled Crape
Myrtle,” 46, 449
“Sojourn in the Whale,” 41–42,
“Spenser’s Ireland,” 39–41, 44
“The Steeple Jack,” 442–48, 450
“The Student,” 42–43, 448
“Tom Fool at Jamaica,” 21
“To a Snail,” 47
“Virginia Britannia,” 449–51
“Walking-Sticks and Paper-
Weights and Water-Marks,” 49
What Are Years, 35–37, 39–42,
46–48, 450, 462
“When I Buy Pictures,” 49
“Morning Imagination of Russia, A”
(Williams), 105
“Most of It, The” (Frost), 184–89,
191, 193, 324
“Motive for Metaphor, The”
(Stevens), 244
Mountain Interval (Frost), 5, 461
Moveable Feast, A (Hemingway), 464
Mr. Pope and Other Poems (Tate),
261, 286, 462
suffering of the modern citizen,
Muir, Edwin, 168
Muir, John, 436–37, 441
Mumford, Lewis, 275
The Golden Day, 282
Munson, Gorham B., 294, 297
Robert Frost: A Study in Sensibility
and Good Sense, 178
Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot), 462
“Musée des Beaux Arts” (Auden),
“Music of Poetry, The” (Eliot),
411–12, 417
“Mutability” (Wordsworth), 173
“My Evaline” (Eliot), 411
“My Grandmother’s Love Letters”
(Crane, H.), 273, 345–48
Mystère dans les lettres(Mallarmé),
“Mysteries: Renaissance Choros,
The” (H.D.), 370–71
“Nantucket” (Williams), 104
“Narcissus as Narcissus” (Tate), 264
“National Winter Garden” (Crane,
H.), 76, 354
Native Son (Wright), 463
“Nature Note, A” (Frost), 316
Necessary Angel, The (Stevens), 463
“Needle, The” (Pound), 57
“Need of Being Versed in Country
Things, The” (Frost), 315
“Neither Out Far nor In Deep”
(Frost), 184
“Never Again Would Birds’ Song
Be the Same” (Frost), 185, 191,
Nevertheless (Moore), 463
New Bearings in English Poetry
(Leavis), 54
“New England,” 104
New Hampshire (Frost), 168, 181,
331–32, 461
poems in, 270
New Negro, The (Locke), 461
New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry
and Poetics, The, 397
“New York” (Moore), 435–38, 442