Teach Your Kids To Code: A Parent-friendly Guide to Python Programming

(vip2019) #1
Python Setup for Windows, Mac, and Linux 271

Python for Mac

Most Apple computers come with an earlier version of Python
already installed, but we want to install version 3.4.2 to use the
new features of Python 3 to run the sample code from the book.

Download the Installer

  1. Go to http://python.org/, and hover your mouse over the
    Downloads link to see a drop-down list of options. You’ll see
    Mac OS X on this list, as shown in Figure A-13.

Figure A-13: Hover your mouse over the Downloads link. You should see
a Mac OS X link in the drop-down list.

  1. Click the Mac OS X link in the drop-down list. This will take
    you to a Python Releases For Mac OS X page.

  2. On the Python Releases For Mac OS X page, find the link that
    starts with Python 3.4.2 and click it. This will download the
    installer program.

Free download pdf