Teach Your Kids To Code: A Parent-friendly Guide to Python Programming

(vip2019) #1
Python Setup for Windows, Mac, and Linux 275

Try Out Python

  1. Go to your Launchpad and click IDLE, or go to Finder 4
    Applications, double-click the Python 3.4 folder, and double-
    click IDLE to open the Python shell, as shown in Figure A-20.

Figure A-20: Open IDLE from Launchpad (left) or the Applications folder (right).

  1. The Python shell editor screen should appear. You’re ready to
    try coding in the shell. Type print("Hello, Python!") and press
    return; the Python shell should respond with Hello, Python!,
    as shown in Figure A-21. Try an addition statement, like 2 + 3.
    Press return, and Python will respond with the answer.

Figure A-21: Trying some commands in the Python shell

  1. You may want to change the size of the text in the IDLE
    window to make it easier to read on your computer. Go to
    IDLE 4 Preferences.... Under Fonts/Tabs, change the Size
    option to 20 , as shown in Figure A-22, or adjust it larger or
    smaller until it’s easy to read. You can check the Bold checkbox
    to make the text thicker if it helps. Customize the font to any-
    thing that’s comfortable for your eyes.

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