Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Alnus serrulata Common Alder

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: OBL Soil: pH 5.5-7.5

Form/Color Deciduous, forms thickets, fast to 20', 12- Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
20' wide, flowers red to purple catkins in Tolerance: tolerance.
March-April, fruit dry, cone-like in August-

October. Urban Tolerant of soil compaction and poor
Tolerance: soil.

Habitat: Swamp, spring, pond or lake edges,

meadow, forest.
Ecosystem Wildlife value high, host to some
Services: butterfly larvae, seeds eaten by some

songbirds, twigs and leaves eaten by
Hydrology: Tolerant of flooding and drought. rabbits and deer.

Ornamental Flowers, catkins, conelike fruit.
Value: Compatibility: Can form colonies.

Salt Intolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Nitrogen fixer, susceptible to borers,
tent caterpillars, and other insects,
Shade Intolerant of shade. weakened plants susceptible to

Tolerance: canker and other fungi.

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: UPL Soil: pH 4.5-6.0

Form/Color Evergreen, low-growing, groundcover, Stormwater Insufficient information to determine

pink flowers in spring, red fruits, slow Tolerance: tolerance.
grower to 6-12" tall, 2-4' wide or more.

Urban Sensitive of soil compaction.


Habitat: Forest, dune, bald, barrens.

Ecosystem Wildlife and birds eat fruits.

Hydrology: Tolerant of drought, intolerant of flooding.

Ornamental Small pink flowers, glossy green leaves
Value: turn reddish brown in winter, bright red Compatibility:

fruits, great ground cover.

Salt Tolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other:

Shade Intolerant of shade.

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