Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Dioscorea villosa Wild Yam

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FAC+ Soil: pH 5.0-6.0

Form/Color Herbaceous, slender, twining vine to 15', Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
thin reddish-brown stems, broad heart Tolerance: tolerance.
shaped leaves with deep veins, flowers

small, green in June-July. Urban Insufficient information to determine
Tolerance: tolerance.

Habitat: Open thickets, woods, wetland edges,


Hydrology: Moist soils, low tolerance to drought.

Ornamental Small green flowers. Persistent winged
Value: fruits. Flowers vanilla scented. Compatibility:

Salt Insufficient information to determine
Tolerance: tolerance. Other: Related to the tropical Yam found in

grocery stores, but does not produce
Shade Tolerant of shade. edible tubers.

Lonicera dioica Limber Honeysuckle

Native To: Regional Wetland Indicator: FACU Soil: pH 6.0-8.5

Form/Color Shrub or woody climber to 9', moderate to Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
fast grower, flowers bright yellow May- Tolerance: tolerance.
June, red fleshy fruit July-September.

Urban Tolerant of concrete debris.

Tolerance: Moderately tolerant of soil compaction.

Habitat: Moist, rocky woods.

Ecosystem Moderate wildlife value. Attractive to

Services: hummingbirds.

Hydrology: Tolerant of drought. Moderately tolerant of


Ornamental Bright yellow flowers and red, fleshy fruit.
Value: Compatibility:

Salt Tolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Needs limestone (calcareous) soil.

Shade Tolerant of shade.

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