Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Baptisia tinctoria Yellow Wild Indigo

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: UPL Soil: pH 5.8-7.0

Form/Color Perennial, grows to 3', sometimes Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
mounding, freely branched, flowers Tolerance: tolerance.
yellow, in short, unbranched clusters in

June-July. Urban Adapted to coarse and medium soils,
Tolerance: no tolerance of soil compaction.

Habitat: Dry, open areas, sandy soil.

Ecosystem Moderately palatable by browse

Services: animals, host to some butterfly

Hydrology: High tolerance to drought.

Ornamental Small rounded, blue-green foliage in

Value: threes along thin green stems. Yellow Compatibility:

flowers at tips of branches. Seed pods
turn black and rattle when mature.

Salt Intolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Leaves are black when dead,
nitrogen fixer.
Shade Tolerant of partial shade.


Bidens frondosa Beggar Ticks

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACW Soil: pH 5.2-7.2

Form/Color Annual, grows to 4', purple stems, flowers Stormwater Insufficient information to determine

yellow in June-October. Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Adapted to coarse and medium soils,
Tolerance: moderate tolerance of soil

Habitat: Wet, open areas, fields, edges, disturbed

Ecosystem Seeds eaten by birds, plant eaten by
Services: rabbits.

Hydrology: Low tolerance to drought.

Ornamental Yellow flower heads without rays can

Value: reach up to 4 ft tall. The distinctive seeds Compatibility: Can be weedy.

are flat and awned, hitchhiking with all
those that pass it by.

Salt Intolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other:

Shade Moderately tolerant of shade.

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