Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Desmodium canadense Showy Tick-Trefoil

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FAC Soil: Not Available.

Form/Color Perennial, grows to 6.5', one to several Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
stems, flowers rose-purple to blue in July- Tolerance: tolerance.

Urban Insufficient information to determine

Tolerance: tolerance.

Habitat: Moist, open woods, edges.

Ecosystem Seeds eaten by some birds and

Services: mammals, host to some butterfly

Hydrology: Dry to moist soil conditions.

Ornamental Large rose-purple pea like flowers make

Value: this the showiest species of the Genus. Compatibility:

Velvet hairs cover the stems and leaves
and the plant can get quite bushy.

Salt Insufficient information to determine

Tolerance: tolerance. Other: Seeds stick to fur and clothing,
nitrogen fixer.
Shade Tolerant of partial shade.


Desmodium paniculatum Panicled Tick-Trefoil

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: UPL Soil: pH 6.0-7.0

Form/Color Perennial, grows to 3', slender, erect, Stormwater Insufficient information to determine

several stems from base, flowers pinkish Tolerance: tolerance.
In July-August.

Urban Adapted to medium and fine soils, no

Tolerance: tolerance of soil compaction.

Habitat: Dry woods and edges.

Ecosystem Host to larvae of orange sulfur butterfly.

Hydrology: Moderate tolerance to drought.

Ornamental Slender, pinkish flowers line long stems
Value: with narrow lancelote leaves in threes. Compatibility:

Salt Intolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Seeds stick to fur and clothing,
nitrogen fixer.

Shade Moderately tolerant of shade.

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