Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1


Succession is a natural process that occurs on the landscape after a major disturbance such

farming, logging, fire or flood. This never-ending process is shaped by the environment of the

site and the species available in the natural seed bank or by seed dispersal. A successional

mixed hardwood forest is dominated by pioneer tree species such as poplars, birches, maples,

and cherries. These wind-dispersed, sun-loving species grow fast and will colonize a disturbed

area. As the canopy closes, more shade tolerant species will move into the understory and tree

seedlings of the climax forest, such as oak or hickory, may appear.

Examples Include: Seton Falls (BX), Prospect Park (BK), Central Park (MN), Kissena Park (QU),

Heyerdale Hill (SI).

Recommended Plants:


Dennstaedtia punctilobula Hay-scented fern

Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive fern

Osmunda cinnamomea Cinnamon fern


Carex blanda Eastern woodland sedge

Carex rosea Rosy sedge

Cinna arundinacea Stout woodreed

Dichanthelium clandestinum Deertongue

Luzula multiflora Common wood-rush

Panicum virgatum Switchgrass

Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluesstem

Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass


Ageratina altissima White snakeroot

Cryptotaenia canadensis Canada honewort

Desmodium paniculatum Panicled tick-trefoil

Eurtrochium purpureum Sweet Joe-pye weed

Helianthus decapetalus Thin-leaved sunflower

Impatiens capensis Jewelweed

Smilacina racemosa False Solomon‟s seal

Penthorum sedodies Ditch stonecrrop


Lonicera sempervirens Trumpet honeysuckle

Vitis aestivalis Summer grape

Vitis vulpina Frost grape

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