Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1


This hardwood forest that occurs on the coastal plain is situated on well-drained sites. The

canopy is limited to two or three oak species and red maples. Historically, the American

chestnut thrived in these habitats until the chestnut blight decimated the populations. American

chestnut sprouts can still be found in the understory today. The understory will consist of

ericaceous shrubs such as black huckleberry (Gaylussacia baccata) and blueberry (Vaccinium


Examples Include: Van Cortlandt Park (BX), Forest Park (QU), Deere Park (SI).

Recommended Plants:


Asplenium platyneuron Ebony Spleenwort

Osmunda claytoniana Interrupted fern

Thelypteris novaboracensis New York fern


Carex pensylvanica Pennsylvania sedge

Carex swanii Swan‟s sedge


Eurybia divaricata White wood aster

Prenanthes trifoliata Gall-of-the-Earth


Gaylussacia baccata Black huckleberry

Hamamelis virginiana Witch hazel

Kalmia latifolia Mountain laurel

Morella pensylvanica Northern bayberry

Rhododendron periclymenoides PInkster azalea

Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush blueberry

Vaccinium pallidum Early low blueberry

Vaccinium stamineum Deerberry

Viburnum acerifolium Maple-leaved viburnum


Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip poplar

Prunus serotina Black cherry

Quercus alba White oak

Quercus prinus Chestnut oak

Quercus rubra Red oak

Quercus velutina Black oak

Sassafras albidum Sassafras

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