Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Acer saccharinum Silver Maple

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACW Soil: pH 4.0-7.0

Form/Color Irregular and globular form; 75' to 100',75' Stormwater Insufficient information to determine
to 100' wide spread; red to orange twigs; Tolerance: tolerance.
winter reddish, brownish flowerbuds; dull

green flowers February to March; fruit Urban Tolerates soil compaction, sensitive
April- May. Tolerance: to ozone.

Habitat: Forest, savanna, low open areas,

floodplains, streamside, low lakeshore
and swamp. Ecosystem Seeds, buds, flowers, and twigs eaten
Services: by birds and mammals.

Hydrology: Tolerant of flooding, saturated soil 25%
growing season

Ornamental Green bell-shaped flowers.
Value: Compatibility:

Salt Moderately tolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other: Fast grower, 130 year lifespan, host

of the Asian longhorn beetle; used in
Shade Tolerant of partial shade. restoration of swamp forests, flood
Tolerance: plains, wetland mitigation.

Acer saccharum Sugar Maple

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FACU Soil: pH 5.5-7.3

Form/Color Oval to rounded form; 75' to 100', 35' to 50' Stormwater Potentially tolerant of stormwater.
wide spread; pale yellow green bell- Tolerance:

shaped flowers April- early May; green to
tan brown samara fruit in September. Urban Does not tolerate soil compaction,
Tolerance: performs well in the right of way.

Habitat: Forest, mesic ravines, coves, north and
east facing slopes, floodplains.
Ecosystem Seeds, buds, flowers eaten by upland

Services: songbirds, small mammals.

Hydrology: Intolerant of flooding; grows well in

limestone soils

Ornamental Range of yellow to orange to red fall color.

Value: Compatibility:

Salt Intolerant of salt.

Tolerance: Other: Slow grower, to 150 years; suceptible
to Verticillium wilt; host to sugar
Shade Tolerant of shade. maple borer, Asian longhorn beetle;

Tolerance: foliage susceptible to gypsy moth.

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