Native Species Planting Guide for New York City

(singke) #1

Amelanchier arborea Common Serviceberry

Native To: Regional Wetland Indicator: FACU, FAC Soil: pH 5.5-7.5

Form/Color Rounded crown; 12' to 30'; dark green Stormwater Tolerant of stormwater.
foliage; white flowers April-May; red- Tolerance:
purple fleshy fruit June.

Urban Tolerates concrete debris, performs

Tolerance: well in the right of way.

Habitat: Upland woods,rich limestone soil; rocky

soils on open slopes, wood edges, and
stream banks. Ecosystem Fruit eaten by birds and mammals;
Services: host to larvae of some butterfly


Hydrology: Grows best in medium well-drained

acidic soils

Ornamental Red-orange fall color, fragrant white
Value: flowers April-May. Compatibility:

Salt Intolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other: Edible fruit; used for forest restoration.

Shade Tolerant of partial shade.


Amelanchier canadensis Canadian Serviceberry

Native To: New York City Wetland Indicator: FAC Soil: pH 5.0-6.5

Form/Color Low shrubby and multi-stemmed; 25'; Stormwater Tolerant of stormwater.
white flowers April-May; purple fleshy fruit Tolerance:

June-July; moderate growth rate.

Urban Intolerant of soil compaction, sensitive
Tolerance: to ozone, performs well in the right of

Habitat: Shrub swamp, moist, sterile sandy soil of

back dune thickets
Ecosystem Fruit eaten by birds and mammals;
Services: host to larvae of some butterfly


Hydrology: Moist to dry soil; intolerant of drought;
saturated soil 25% growing season.

Ornamental Red-orange fall color, white flowers April-
Value: May. Compatibility:

Salt Moderately tolerant of salt.
Tolerance: Other: Used for back dune woodland, shrub

swamps, moist woodland, and
Shade Tolerant of shade. swamp forest.

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